

May 19th, 2010, 8:49PM by nat | 3 comments

YUKIRIN Art Works - 22

YUKIRIN Art Works was simply a disappointing art book. YUKIRIN isn't a bad artist, but the content was lacking along with the presentation quality. Several of the illustrations were scaled poorly and as a result were printed with heavy pixelation.

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It should be noted that this art book is a PUSH! publication and like most of the art books from them, there's adult content thrown into the mix. I would say YUKIRIN Art Works is split just about evenly on adult content and non-adult content. But it's really most of the non-adult images that are poorly printed. They're also mostly pages with character poses, showing costumes at different angles and the like.

YUKIRIN Art Works - 7

Here's a close-up example of the kind of pixelation you should expect in this art book. You have to full view to see it, but even in the thumbnail the outlines look choppy---and that's with the benefit of a re-sizing ^^;

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Full page illustrations with backgrounds are few and far between inYUKIRIN Art Works, with most of it being tiled character profile images on white backgrounds. This book is 130-pages in total, with 114-pages in color and the rest in black and white. The monochrome section contains some of the line arts from the finished illustrations in the book along with a couple of pages of comics. The only redeeming portion of the book is the section called "Other Works" containing nine non-game related illustrations.

Even if you're a YUKIRIN fan, you'd probably be disappointed with this art book and its haphazard production.

  • Title: YUKIRIN Art Works
  • タイトル: YUKIRINアートワークス
  • Pages: 130
  • Release date: 05/07/2010
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14 years, 9 months ago


Thanks for the warning!

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14 years, 8 months ago


Man, I still can't believe how different Yukirin's style is now compared to the old shiny-shiny days.

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14 years, 8 months ago


Yeah, I'll bet the shiny style wasn't marketable enough, and well, this is where the money is ~_~