
True Tears Memories

October 9th, 2009, 8:42PM by nat | 8 comments

True Tears Valentines

True Tears was one of the few series I actually followed week to week last year, so when I found out True Tears Memories was coming out, I bought it despite what I know about visual guides.

True Tears cover without Obi Title Page True Tears

Noe Story Page Hiromi story page

For the most part, books that focus on a particular anime series (or game for that matter) have a smaller illustration gallery than an artist's collection and this book is no exception. Because of this, I tend to buy anime visual books only for series I've watched and enjoyed.

Aiko StoryTrio on a benchHiromi in uniform

In street clothesIn the tulipsNoe with a Sign

Waiting by the SeaThe Perfect GiftValntine's Boys

True Tears Memories is 112 pages long, with 64 pages color and the rest in black and white. The first six pages of the book are used as an introduction to each of the mail heroines, Noe, Hiromi, and Aiko and feature the illustrations from the True Tears DVDs covers volumes 4, 5, and 6 respectively. The gallery section has roughly 20 illustrations over 10 pages, so not every image gets a full page presentation.

Noe's LeapLove RivalsTrue Tears Trio

Noe StoryEpisode ShotsEpisode Shots

After the gallery, this collection becomes pretty typical of most anime visual books. Extensive episode summaries are provided with screen shots and commentary on all 13 episodes, filling about 26 pages. I never understand these sections, because I would think most people who would buy a series-oriented book have actually seen the series...

Background Scenes Background Art

Background Art Background Art

Next up is the background art section. Though some might find it boring, I really enjoy seeing the background art from the episodes (though the pictures are usually smaller than they should be). I always find it interesting how realistic anime backgrounds tend to be, even when the characters don't look remotely real.

Chicken Story

There are also two pages dedicated to the chicken story Shinichiro was illustrating. I can't explain it any better than that, you just have to watch the show ;D

Noe ProfileHiromi ProfileAiko Profile

Right before the black and white section, we have 6 pages of character profiles that pretty much include all the costumes worn by Hiromi, Aiko, and Noe through out the series. I'm sure sections like that are especially helpful to cosplayers.

Insert DVD

True Tears Wallpaper from DVD

True Tears DVD Wallpaper

Interestingly, this book also includes a DVD that has an interview/chat with the voice actresses for Noe, Aiko, and Hiromi, as well as a collection of 11 BMP format wallpapers (highest resolution 1600 x 1200) from some of the illustrations that were in the beginning gallery.

Interview Concept Sketches

Noe Line Arts Relationship chart

From this point on everything is black and white. The remainder of the content is pretty much interviews and line arts. Not that I think either is a bad thing, but also not the main reason I buy art books.

Overall, the illustration gallery was pretty nice for this kind of book, and well presented with most image occupying at least half a page (I've seen worse tiling). It also has plenty of material for fans of the show, especially with the exclusive art book only DVD of the voice actresses. Have you ever bought an anime art book and been disappointed?



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Avatar for MrDisco

15 years, 3 months ago


Interesting book. I have yet to watch the series but now I may just bump it up on my to-view list.

Avatar for nat

15 years, 3 months ago


Definitely worth a watch, especially if you enjoy a good love triangle with unrequited feelings! Or something like that.

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15 years, 3 months ago


Ah... very awesome, totally what I am looking for :)

I think I'll be getting it, I can see a lot of Hiromi material for vector ^^.

Avatar for nat

15 years, 3 months ago


Great! Glad to hear it's what you hoped it would be :D My earlier descriptions of the book to you completely failed without pictures XD

Avatar for Gii

15 years, 3 months ago


Wow! BMP wallpapers at 1600x1200, they almost know what they're doing but really they have no idea!

Avatar for nat

15 years, 3 months ago


Hehe, guess that's top quality to them!

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15 years, 2 months ago


Nice, but I really want to know the opinions of the writers a bout the characters T T

Avatar for nat

15 years, 2 months ago


It might be in there, but I can't read Japanese so it's up to you! :D

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