
Sora Kake Girl Girl's Collection

September 23rd, 2009, 2:52PM by nat | 5 comments

Nami in Concert

The best thing about Sora Kake Girl Girl's Collection is that it includes 13 brand new illustrations from Sora Kake Girl, that weren't published anywhere before. This kind of thing has been happening more recently, with books such as Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Nia and Yoko Portraits, Zero no Tsukaima Louise Portraits, and Kannagi Nagi Portraits. But those books all focused on one character. This one manages to get a new picture of each of the main girls from Sora Kake Girl.

Girl's Collection CoverAkiha in SpaceItsuki in Ribbons

Each of the girls (and sometimes two) get a month, and we start out with Akiha drifting through space as Miss January and Itsuki in ribbons as Miss Febraury (for Valentine's Day ;D).

Honoka in KimonoImo-chan on a MotorcycleMutsumi (Itsuki in disguise)

Honoka gets March and Imoko (in her robot) gets April, laying across a "classic" motorcycle. Mutsumi, Itsuki's other identity gets May, dressed in a bunny suit.

Kazane and SakuraKagura Cleaning UpNami in Concert

Kazane is a June bride with Sakura as a maid of honor. Kagura is doing some cleaning up and Nami gets to be an idol.

Takane in Ninja Gear

And here's the lovely Takane, practicing her secret arts in the water. This and the Nami one above are my favorites. Which ones do you like best?

Byakuya and TsutsujiBougainvillea and MintaoNina and Elle

The last ones all featured two girls; Tsutsuji and Byakuya for October, Bougainvillea and Mintao for November, and Nina and Elle for December.

Akiha ProfileTakane ShishidoSakura Shishido

The next part of Sora Kake Girl Girl's Collection includes character profiles, with screen shots and a profile image of each girl. It includes stuff like their full names, bust/waist/hips, birthday, blood type, height, weight, and a pretend interview. I don't think I'm a big enough fan for that, though ^^;

Under the SeaAkiha and Honoka in Hot SpringsPeek-a-boo!

The last part of the book is called the Pinup Gallery and features just about all the images that appeared in magazines like Newtype, Megami, Animage, Dengeki G's, Charamel and Animedia promoting the show. If you buy magazines, you'll have seen most of them before but they're here without text, so that's always a plus.

Though the book is only 80 pages, it has more new content than most art books, which makes it worth the 2400 yen to me.

Honoka BandagedAt the BathLeopold and Akiha

You can still grab Sora Kake Girl Girl's Collection from Amazon Japan, or check out other online retailers to get it ^^

Size Comparison

I can't tell who's winning... Anyone know? XD

  • Title: Sora Kake Girl Girl's Collection
  • タイトル: 宇宙をかける少女 Girl's Collection
  • Pages: 80
  • Release date: 07/23/2009
  • Buy: Amazon Japan, eBay


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15 years, 4 months ago


Depends on which end of the scale is the winning one for you XD

Avatar for nat

15 years, 4 months ago


Hehehe, and all this time I thought it only went in one direction XD

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13 years, 5 months ago


how do i can get this stuff ?!

Avatar for nat

13 years, 5 months ago


Buy it online?!

Avatar for BADNSEF23

12 years, 9 months ago


woooooo i will like some day draw as you do put that pictures