
Meganeko by CUTEG & Piah

March 11th, 2010, 8:01PM by nat | 5 comments

White World and Strawberry Pink MegaNeko - 6

Korean artists CUTEG and Piah jointly released a collection of glasses girls illustrations (which are also nearly all fan arts) called Meganeko (メガネ子) at the past Comiket 77. It's full color, and inside you have the chance to see everyone from Hatsune Miku to Yuki Nagato sporting cute and classy frames.

White World and Strawberry Pink MegaNeko - 1 White World and Strawberry Pink MegaNeko - 2

Unlike most doujinshi Meganeko is A4 in size, 16 pages (including covers) and on thick cardstock pages. It's staple-bound and a matte metallic printing is used through out the book, sometimes on text and other times on image outlines. It's a nice little embellishment.

White World and Strawberry Pink MegaNeko - 3White World and Strawberry Pink MegaNeko - 4White World and Strawberry Pink MegaNeko - 5

White World and Strawberry Pink MegaNeko - 12White World and Strawberry Pink MegaNeko - 8White World and Strawberry Pink MegaNeko - 9

This may have well just been an extension of CUTEG's Sweet Impact were it not for the addition of Piah, who has been a guest artist and now a co-artist in CUTEG's doujinshi. Piah's illustrations really have an interesting range, sometimes they're exceedingly simple in detail, and others you may just mistake them for CUTEG's. Either way, you don't feel shortchanged by their inclusion.

White World and Strawberry Pink MegaNeko - 7

Another beautiful Hatsune Miku by CUTEG. There was also one with Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka (in glasses) in Sweet Impact. I think it would have fit it perfectly in this book!

White World and Strawberry Pink MegaNeko - 10 White World and Strawberry Pink MegaNeko - 11

The two above are both by Piah. The left is Kino from Kino's Journey and the right is Ryuuji and Taiga from Toradora! with photo booth style illustrations.

White World and Strawberry Pink MegaNeko - 13

And here's a shot of the index, where you can see it all. Meganeko sold out quickly on Toranoana, so your best option is Yahoo Japan (if it's even on there). For me, when I'm pursuing a book that is hard to get or out of print, the more I know about it the better as it keeps me encouraged. But I know other people want to be surprised about it. Does anyone else fall into one of those groups, or do you have a completely different attitude about art book and doujinshi buying?

  • Title: Meganeko
  • タイトル: メガネ子
  • Release Date: 12/31/2009
  • Pages: 16 (including covers)
  • Buy: eBay, Yahoo Japan


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14 years, 11 months ago


I love the pics with the glasses! Freaking sweet! XD Hope someone will scan these one day <3

Avatar for nat

14 years, 10 months ago


I scanned one! Someone else can finish it off ;3

Avatar for Leonia

14 years, 11 months ago


Thank for the sharing. I love the first picture, Reimu and Miku with glasses. The last is definitly cute and adorable, even if I don't really like Miku Hatsune

Avatar for Smithy

14 years, 11 months ago


This is a nice collection of illustrations, wasn't that familiar yet with CUTEG though had heard the artist mentioned a few times. Will have to keep track of CUTEG's work as it is lovely.

Personally I prefer to see the content of a book before buying, which is why I love your site and icie's Hunting The Elusive, gives me a chance to see what some books are alike and if I want to buy them or not. (Alas some will by then be near impossible to get, but such is life.)

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14 years, 10 months ago


Heh, yeah, I used to lean more towards "surprise me" but I've had way too many bad surprises with art books. Now I pretty much search as much as possible for samples of the artists' work, possible reviews, yahoo auctions, and anything else to give me an idea of it before I buy.